Kits Club

ID in the Community have been working with Tom (Mr Earles) and his family to create a sports programme dedicated to help those children who struggle to understand or engage in mainstream clubs.

Tom & Hayley’s son Kit was diagnosed as autistic this year and, although he has just started at a mainstream school and developing well, he is significantly behind his peers in terms of social and verbal communication. Kit has enjoyed attending the ID mini’s programme and following several conversations we felt that there was a need to not only offer access to mainstream sports and clubs but also provide clubs for children with SEND requirements to work with their family members in a fun structured environment.

From these conversations ‘Kit’s Club’ has been born.

Tom’s Background

I have been a primary school teacher at Hook-with-Warsash CE Academy for the past 14 years. I have a keen interest in PE and school sport and fundamentally believe that participating in physical activity, and being part of a sporting community is a huge benefit for all.

Over the past few years, my wife and I have found it hard to find activities or clubs for Kit to join. Whereas neuro-typical children of his age can now participate independently, Kit still needs parental or 1:1 support when trying new things.

We have tried many options but due to his chronological age, parents are no longer expected or encouraged to stay and join in which means Kit is unable to participate without finding it very difficult, or being a distraction for coaches and other children.

We also felt that some of the brilliant SEND clubs that are already established are for those children with greater needs that Kit. He seems to fall between fully ‘mainstream’ clubs and those catering for significant SEND.

However, children like Kit still need somewhere to play games, develop new skills and learn how to socialise with others. Therefore we felt there was an opportunity to develop a club for children and families in a similar situation to us to come together in a nurturing and understanding sporting environment where parents can be as hands-on as needed, without fear of judgement from others 

Working with IDPE and Sport we have created a sports programme dedicated to help those children who struggle to understand or engage in mainstream clubs.

To find out more, register your interest here xxxxxxx


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